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Adam & McGrevey, P.A.
Making Complex Cases Look Easy

Tyler Lawrence

Tyler Lawrence **Only Licensed in MO

Overland Park, Kansas

Tyler Lawrence grew up in the Kansas City Metropolitan area and graduated from The University of Kansas with a degree in Sociology and a minor in Business. During that time, Lawrence was a quarterback on the 2008 Orange Bowl champion football team under Coach Mark Mangino. Following his time at Kansas, Lawrence achieved his Masters in Psychology from Pittsburg State University in 2011, graduating with a 4.0 GPA. He then went on to pursue his Juris Doctorate from the University of Missouri-Kansas City in 2016.

Mr. Lawrence is a member of the Missouri and Kansas Bars. He is also a member of the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association and the American Bar Association. Mr. Lawrence’s practice chiefly involves medical malpractice with a focus on defending hospitals, physicians, and other medical professionals. Although relatively new to the legal profession, he has already gained considerable experience through participation in dozens of depositions, mediations, and hearings. In 2018, he was part of a trial team that secured the fourth largest defense verdict in Missouri.

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